Registered Agent Learning Center

Frequently asked questions and answers about registered agent services. is an online resource, providing you with useful information about registered agent services, changes and up-to-date information about state requirements, and small business formation resources and services. Follow our steps to understanding and acquiring a registered agent, or skip to any topic you wish with the links below.

A registered agent is required for all U.S. businesses and is a commonly misunderstood requirement. It is necessary for every business to maintain a registered agent without any lapse in order to stay compliant with the state.

This also means that where you maintain a foreign qualification, or are formally conducting business in a foreign state, you must also maintain a registered agent in that state.

That's one of the reasons we offer our convenient renewal service, which ensures that at no point will you ever be without a registered agent in any state where we act as your registered agent.

Understanding the Registered Agent Requirement

Get a registered agent for your business today.

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Learn more about registered agent services.

Learning Center Tools - Get information about registered agent requirements and services. Learn the benefits of using Learn more.

Find an Agent - We can help you get set up with a registered agent quickly with our online service. Get Started.

Contact Us- Drop us a line. Our experts are available to answer your questions and and set you up with a registered agent. Contact Us.